Holiday season is upon us!
And for those of us that enjoy the theatrical side of things, Halloween is the very first stop on the whirlwind ride through the rest of the year. But if you’ve been, shall we say… “strategically planning” and staying occupied otherwise, you’ll find this is the very last weekend day you have to prepare!
Fear not (for now). You don’t have to reconstruct the Haunted Mansion on your homefront. But what you can do is take a few steps to get in the spirit! For example…
Grab some colored light bulbs!
You know how some houses just seem to have eyes in the dark? That can be your house too! Sinister eyes at that. Take red, purple, orange, yellow, or even black light bulbs from your area HEB, and toss those into your porchlight and some lamps in your windows for the night. It’s maximum Halloween aura with minimal cost!
Get the good candy.
Tempted though you may be to shove a bag of the cheap waxy stuff in your Dollar General basket and go, there’s no need to be an October Grinch! Wrapped candies that consistently make the best of the best lists will not only put a smile on every trick-or-treater’s face, but if you do choose to grab the non-decorated bags, they can be used over for work and neighborhood functions at least through New Years with no problems. And let’s be real…it’s already on sale!
Snag some shoe inserts!
Maybe you’re not just staying inside handing out treats? You might be at a neighborhood trunk-or-treat, or escorting your own little costumers through your new neighborhood. Great way to build a relationship with your neighbors! But if you’re getting cranky from the unusual amount of standing or walking around, you’re not exactly putting your best foot forward. Protect those toes and spring for the extra padded supportive ones to keep you in good standing, walking, and running this Halloween.
And there you have it! An easy, spooky, totally memorable haunted Halloween experience that will keep you in your neighbors’ goulish good graces for years! The only thing easier than this speedy spookification? Procuring a mortgage with Lone Star Financing.